Update regarding Kildare GAA & HSE Volunteer register:
Currently over 240 GAA volunteers on live volunteer GAA register and ongoing
Skills Sets reflected
Health Care Assistants
Admin support
Prison Officers / Gardaí / Military, both serving and retired
IT Support – Creation of live register which is game changer
14 GAA Clubs offered facilities for possible alternative testing sites if needed
Manguard Plus COE reviewed as potential alternative testing site last Sat 21st March, but not at moment
HSE Priority Healthcare facilities
Maynooth Nursing Healthcare Facility centred on Region 6 Nth Kildare Clubs
Athy Nursing Healthcare Facility centred on Region 1 Sth Kildare Clubs
Naas Hospital centred on Region 3 – Naas surrounding Clubs.
In addition, HSE also referenced homecare, if required in Kildare.
Currently liaison ongoing between GAA HQ and National Vetting Bureau regarding best way to process vetting required by HSE. HSE have developed a joint agreement to fast-track vetting. Martina Donnelly has been working with Croke Park and hopefully Monday will allow vetting to commence.
Next step after vetting is the delivery of mandatory training using both online and small workshops before volunteers can be deployed in support of facilities etc.
Kildare GDA’s may deliver this, if required.
Kildare GAA Sponsors that have offered support
Haven Hire offered lighting and digital signage to HSE in support of testing centres
Croi Laighean offered fleet of transport to support logistically
Manguard Plus offered training in security if required. This fell from a request for volunteers to support a HSE Facility last weekend. Manguard Plus have also offered further support, if required.
Its important that Club volunteers are aware of what steps are currently taking place as part of HSE initiative. Once vetting is completed, Club Volunteers will be contacted directly by HSE, if required, for training prior to deployment. HSE will select Volunteers based on skills sets required.
Thank you to everyone who has volunteered their services.
We are continuing to recruit volunteers to support HSE administered local facilities.
Play your part in the fight against COVID-19 & register by clicking on the link below