Kildare GAA in conjunction with DCU have recently taken part in a nationwide review of all Primary schools to show a snapshot of Irish children’s physical literacy. With our country fast approaching the position of the most obese state in Europe the GAA feel a new approach is needed to get our children moving.
To this end Stephen Behan and colleagues from DCU assisted by the full time staff in Kildare Gaa Coaching & Games tested a range of different classes in four different primary schools in the county chosen by numbers of students as well as the urban and rural divide. The schools targeted were :
St. Laurences NS Crookstown, Prosperous NS, San Carlo NS and Allen NS.
The students took part in a range of tests of running, jumping, movement, balance and other physical literacy movements as well as Gaa skills like kicking, catching, ground striking, bouncing and solo. The outcomes from these tests merged with schools countrywide, will give us a comprehensive view of the present situation as well as providing us with the pathway to worthwhile intervention.
Kildare GAA Coaching & Games would like to thank all schools who took part especially all school principals and teachers and most importantly the students who did their school and county proud.